Please note that masks are still required in all healthcare and medical settings. This is in accordance with state guidelines set by the OHA. Please continue to wear a mask to enter the clinic, and in all common areas, such as the restroom, and waiting areas. We will continue to give the option to remove your mask when on the table for treatment, and we will continue to wear masks until the OHA deems it appropriate to discontinue this precaution.

We continue to screen all patients for covid-19 symptoms prior to each appointment, and have will have hospital grade HEPA filtration air purifiers in all treatment rooms. We continue our enhanced cleaning procedures to keep our clinic as safe as it can possibly be.

We are excited to welcome you to our new clinic home. Thank you for your patience during our move in period.

Ancient Fern Medicine

17020 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd #102, 102, Portland, OR, 97224

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